Ogre [2008]

So I’m going to Frighfest in a couple of days, and they often have directors and actors there from the films to talk about the films they’ve done, and one of the films is ‘American Mary’, and Katharine Isabelle’s in it, and I really like her, from the ‘Ginger Snaps’ films who isn’t Emily Perkins, and she got killed quite early on in ‘Freddy vs. Jason’ as well, and she’s done a lot of other stuff, but I haven’t seen any of it, so I thought ‘Oh my god, what if I get to meet her?’, and that was a pretty exciting thing to think, but then I thought ‘But I’ll only be able to say I’ve seen the films that everyone else here has seen, I need to distinguish myself’, and that way she might be all ‘Like, oh wow, you saw that really obscure movie I was in from way back? That’s amazingly dedicated, you must be pretty special. I think I saw a Caffe Nero round the corner, do you want to go there and stuff?’ and I’ll say ‘Is that the one past M&Ms World?’ and she’ll be like ‘Yeah. God, how does that place even exist? What the fuck, right?’ and I’ll be all ‘I know, right? Totally’, and we’ll laugh, and as we walk past M&Ms World we’ll sneer at it because we’re both awesome, and I’ll have to miss the film which is on after ‘American Mary’, whatever it is, but I won’t care, because I’m sharing a caffeinated moment of cultural snobbery with Katharine Isabelle, and then before you know it we’ve got married in a non-legally binding ceremony, although if the next film on’s that special showing of ‘The Devil Rides Out’, I may suggest going to see that instead, and she’ll be way into that, but for all of this to definitely, definitely happen, I need to get on YouTube and find one of her shitty movies, even if it’s true that I don’t even know that she’s going to be at Frighfest at all, and it would be nice if I could think of this as being anywhere near a particularly low point in my life.